Amazing abandoned homes rescued from ruin
Angela Kennedy
14 May 2024
These rundown residences were given a new lease of life
How To Renovate A Chateau
McClain House: before
Betsy Sweeny
McClain House: a shadow of its former self
Betsy Sweeny
McClain House: after
Betsy Sweeny
McClain House: revived and restored
Betsy Sweeny
McClain House: a homage to the past
Betsy Sweeny
Pennsylvania farmhouse: before
@crazyfixerupper / Instagram
Pennsylvania farmhouse: unexpected visitors
Jean and DeWitt Paul
Pennsylvania farmhouse: after
Jean and DeWitt Paul
Pennsylvania farmhouse: resourceful redesigns
@crazyfixerupper / Instagram
Pennsylvania farmhouse: embracing open-plan living
@crazyfixerupper / Instagram
Château Le Fleur: before
How To Renovate A Chateau
Château Le Fleur: a project with promise
How To Renovate A Chateau
Château Le Fleur: after
How To Renovate A Chateau
Château Le Fleur: beautifully reimagined
How To Renovate A Chateau
Château Le Fleur: handcrafted interiors
How To Renovate A Chateau
Rockwell House: before
Abandoned Southeast
Rockwell House: a series of unfortunate events
Abandoned Southeast
Rockwell House: after
Abandoned Southeast
Rockwell House: original features preserved
Abandoned Southeast
Rockwell House: considerate conservation project
Abandoned Southeast
Page Mansion: before
Page Mansion: a crumbling relic of yesteryear
Abby and Trey Brothers
Page Mansion: after
Abby and Trey Brothers
Page Mansion: old meets new
@turningthepagemansion / Instagram
Page Mansion: triumphing against the odds
Abby and Trey Brothers
McDonald House: before
Abandoned Southeast
McDonald House: a diamond in the rough
Abandoned Southeast
McDonald House: after
Abandoned Southeast
McDonald House: a mid-century modern marvel
Abandoned Southeast
McDonald House: organic interior inspiration
Abandoned Southeast
Arkansas Victorian house: before
Restoration Nation
Arkansas Victorian house: a challenging fixer-upper
David Hatfield
Arkansas Victorian house: after
David Hatfield
Arkansas Victorian house: unearthing historic treasures
David Hatfield
Arkansas Victorian house: exquisite antiques
David Hatfield
Kilmartin Castle: before
Knight Frank
Kilmartin Castle: unearthing nasty surprises
@kilmartincastle / Instagram
Kilmartin Castle: after
@kilmartincastle / Instagram
Kilmartin Castle: history preserved
@kilmartincastle / Instagram
Kilmartin Castle: a labour of love
@kilmartincastle / Instagram
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