These house problems cause the most arguments
Rachel Homer
24 September 2024
Household issues that make tensions run high
Zamrznuti tonovi / Shutterstock
Decorating dilemmas
roselyn tirado / Unsplash
Clutter hoarding
trekandshoot / Shutterstock
Duvet wars
Adisorn Sukhamwang / Shutterstock
Pets on furniture
Creative Cat Studio / Shutterstock
Teenage bedroom rebellions
Megan Betterbridge / Shutterstock
Leaving belongings around
Prostock-studio / Shutterstock
Not washing up
New Africa / Shutterstock
Loading the dishwasher 'wrong'
Oxanaso / Shutterstock
What to keep in the fridge
Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock
Not wiping worktops
Model Republique / Shutterstock
Not emptying the bin
art-siberia / Shutterstock
Not knowing how to recycle
the blowup / Unsplash
Not changing an empty toilet roll
Lukassek / Shutterstock
Leaving the toilet seat up
ShutterPNPhotography / Shutterstock
Hogging the TV remote control
Marc Bruxelle / Shutterstock
NinaMalyna / Shutterstock
Opening or closing windows
ronstik / Shutterstock
Wet towels on the floor
arcticphotoworks / Shutterstock
Not cleaning the shower screen
Losonsky / Shutterstock
Not doing laundry
New Africa / Shutterstock
Not putting laundry away
AmyHolton / Shutterstock
Overloading the washing machine
Travis182 / Shutterstock
Shoe pile-ups
New Africa / Shutterstock
Lighting woes
Jo Panuwat D / Shutterstock
Forgetting door keys
New Africa / Shutterstock
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